Roxy is 10

Coze to uz utekl rok? _20200531_185104I have no words other then I am trully blessed. So much beauty, spirit, passion and kindness. Thank you Roxy for being Roxy. I am so proud that you are mine!

You are almost invisibly making these huge steps like doing your hair yourself (you know I am crap at styling and make up – sorry not much help here from me!) and your dressing style just kills me. I love the fact you can chose and then stand by your choice – that makes life so much easier! That goes for your shopping trips with daddy too. You are so confident but not annoying or bossy, I don’t know how you do it. Kind, funny, but bold and soooo good at expressing yourself. Me and Samuel love your speeches and your arguments. You are excellent at defending yourself and standing your ground. Keep it up darling! Be bold, brave and loud.  And please, pretty please, do tidy up your room sometimes. And do switch off the light in the bathroom please. Yes, each time. Thank you.

Love you,

your mum